During the last Phytosudoe Workshop (27-28 April, 2017), Prof. Michel Mench from INRA organized a visit to different field sites currently being phytomanaged in the Bordeaux region. The main objective of the Phytosudoe project is to restore degraded sites by applying phytomanagement techniques that promote biodiversity, enhance ecosystem functionality and enable the sustainable use of resources. We aim to establish and monitor a network of field demonstration trials in contaminated or degraded sites in order to demonstrate that phytomanagement can provide or restore vital ecosystem services.
The PhytoSUDOE consortium brings together experts in the fields of micro-organism ecology (archaea, bacteria and fungi) and soil fauna (protozoa, microarthropods, nematodes and oligochaetes), plant ecology and agronomy, geology and soil science, landscape planning and risk assessment.
Dr. Carlos Garbisu currently leads the research on soil structural and functional microbial diversity, as a key aspect of the PhytoSUDOE project.