LIFE IP URBAN KLIMA 2050 is the largest climate action project in Basque Country for the next years and will demonstrate the effective and well-coordinated implementation of the KLIMA 2050 climate strategy in our territory. The project considers the urban settlements as the core for CC adaptation. One of the objectives is citizens’ empowerment for long-term engagement in environmentally responsible behaviours and healthier lifestyles. In this respect, our role in the project will be to take part in the design of a methodology for the creation of a platform for citizen science. This platform will include measurements from our Soil Health Cards, a tool that allows to evaluate the health of soil ecosystems in general and agroecosystems in particular, thus being able to monitor the evolution of the case studies of the project and choose those management alternatives that prove to be more sustainable from the point of view of the mitigation and adaptation to CC.
You will find more information about the project here